Monday, February 18, 2013

Warcraft + Etsy = Awesome!

Have you ever checked out the Warcraft-related crafts for sale on etsy? Here are some of the ones that caught my eye while browsing that I found adorable enough to want to share.

Hearthstone Bakery caught my eye with their Dalaran brownies! HOW CUUUTE! All of their food products are WoW-themed. I mean, look at those green lock cookies!

This Darkmoon Faire banner is insanely well detailed. AngloSaxonGyrlCrafts also has a really cool Brewfest banner!

How about a customized beer glass? NexusGlass has a ton of different designs, not just blood elf... although that one's my favorite. ;)


How about a stuffed Onyxian Whelpling? Many whelps, handle it!

This wolpertinger artwork is so cuuuute!

Another WoW-themed baked treat: hearthstone cookies. Omnomnom

If you want some stuff that smells good but doesn't have calories, how about some Emerald Dream or Feast of Winter Veil candles?

Oh gosh, these are adorable: catnip hearthstones.

Fair warning: I've never ordered from any of these sellers, so I can't vouch for them personally. But if I had the extra $$$, I would totally splurge on any of these!

I love how people can take their hobby and combine it with another hobby and make something awesome like this. Here are examples of crocheting, cooking, candle making, drawing, sewing, glass etching, and those are just this handful I've picked out here... if you search etsy for "warcraft" you will find all kinds of goodies up for grabs.

Warcraft players: Have you ever made something Warcraft-related? Or purchased something made by a player like this? I've bought t-shirts from, but these are on a whole 'nother level if you ask me. :)

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